A non-profit organization celebrating cats who are deemed "unadoptable"
It is vital to remember that Cats Crossing is a SANCTUARY, and not necessarily suited to cats who have opportunities to be be adopted in normal settings. We are here to serve those who have exhausted their options to find homes for their cat(s), instead of the cat becoming a target for early euthanasia. FERAL cats are not accepted unless they have been injured, treated and would be at risk if re-released.
Our mission is to alleviate the misery of people in a position where they have to make a "life or death" decision for their feline.
Requirements for intake consideration:
1. Cats be spayed or neutered.
2. Vet records showing date-of-birth (guesstimates are fine)
3. Proof of up-to-date rabies and distemper vaccinations.
4. Test results for FeLV and FIV (we accept FIV+ but not FeLV)
5. No aggressive behavior toward other cats or people.
We provide ongoing vaccinations and vet care for every feline resident.
Entrance fee: $650. per cat
Any amount above this will be acknowledged by us as a tax-deductible donation.
To Apply: Use the CONTACT US link and send a paragraph about your situation and your cat's personality, habits, indoor/outdoor, clawed/declawed and photos.
Our intake manager will respond to you and follow-up with the necessary forms.
Surrendering a cat to our sanctuary means just that.
We cannot guarantee a longer life and do not try to control the cats' habits or choices. They are accepted "as they are," free of expectations.
A form must be signed when releasing a cat's permanent care to us.

Please note:
Ours is a private residence ~ the owners and cats are a family. We are not a shelter or public facility. Because we do not adopt out, the cats are accustomed to a quiet, relaxed setting. They can get over-stressed by the comings and goings of numerous people. We do not accept phone calls, but we communicate with those surrendering cats via e-mail.