A non-profit organization celebrating cats who are deemed "unadoptable"

A "retirement home"
for cats in need


Our MISSION/commitment is to provide "at risk" cats with a chance to live out their natural lives in a serene, loving environment where they are free to make their own choices about what they want to do and where, and with whom they want to Be. Ours is a cage-free setting, where the main residence is on a private, 3.5 acre property in Loudoun County, VA, and is HOME to the residing cats and their human guardians. We are an ALL volunteer organization. Our commitment is to provide shelter, food and clean water, veterinary care, warmth and love for cats who are deemed "unadoptable."
What do "at risk" or "unadoptable" mean?
Millions of cats in the U.S. are euthanized due to:
* overcrowding at shelters
* "Differences": blind, deaf, missing limbs, physical or social abnormalities, etc.
* Old age (a cat is considered by many to be a "senior" after age 7, though they can live to over 20!)
* Ignoring litter boxes
Once accepted into our program, cats are not adopted out. We believe each has suffered enough stress and change in their lives that they richly deserve a "resting place" for the remainder of their years.